Sunday, February 18, 2007

How to Recognize the Signs that You Are On the Right Path

When you embark on a path of personal or professional growth you expect to see progress. You might be willing to accept the fact that important life changes take time and forward progress may be slow, but you certainly do not expect to move "backwards." Yet in my experience I see an interesting phenomenon occur over and over. Even when I am making tremendous positive changes I often can't see it for myself. Why? Because as a small business owner I can't possibly do it all and be the best at everything. I have come to the realization that at a certain point you need help.

Here is where I found my answer at Practical Management Solutions. I met Liz Illgen at NJAWBO Mercer Chapter. She is not an employee but she is my personal Business Advisor. I have asked Liz to write about her services and how she can also help you. PERSONAL GROWTH

Why Use A Business Advisor
By: Elizabeth (Liz) J. Illgen

All small business owners have two things in common-they are very good at whatever it is that they do, whether that's providing superior service or making an excellent product, yet they can't possibly be the best at everything they do, especially when it comes to all facets of running their business. Although they are expected to know everything, do everything, make all the decisions and always be available, it's just not humanly possible to be great at everything you do, and this is where a business advisor comes in.

Unlike Business Consultants, who are also an expert in their respective field (such as Information Technology, Marketing, Human Resources), a Business Advisor is a true generalist who has a wide variety of experience in both public and private companies, large and small, service and product related industries, have usually owned their own business and have worked at a senior level in at least one other company. This is a good description of myself, yet I have an added bonus that makes using my services truly unique and valuable.

As an Accredited Associate of the Institute for Independent Business, I continually receive advanced training and am affiliated with over 4000 other Associates located around the world so that I can provide my clients with one point of contact, yet the knowledge and experience of people all over the world who have the answers to questions and solutions to problems regardless of what the situation is. By being able to discern between my own skills and/or finding the right skill set in others, I can always provide my clients with expert, practical advice that works. This is a powerful weapon in today's competitive marketplace and by working with my clients to help them resolve issues and implement solutions in just a few hours a week (thus keeping costs down), we create positive change and help small business owners to make their company be the best it can possibly be.

The key to using a Business Advisor is that the help is "hands on". I am not an employee, but a trusted advisor, similar to the benefits that large companies have in their trusted adviser's on the Board of Directors. By working with a Business Advisor you, too, will get expert advice but at a fraction of what you'd expect to pay an employee with the same experience and skills. By using an advisor, business owners can focus on doing what they're meant to do-what they have passion for-while the advisor works on strategy, planning, financing, marketing, sales, inventory and cost control, human resource issues, technology infrastructure-whatever is needed.

And finally, regardless of what life stage your business is in-whether you're just starting up your company (or thinking about buying an existing business), are having issues and problems, would like to grow your business to the next level, or wish to exit and find a buyer or successor, a business advisor will be there with answers and support along the way. For me, there's no greater satisfaction than watching another small business owner achieve their dreams and truly love what they do. I sure do!


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